Bicycles, roller skates, scooters, in-line skates, and dogs will be prohibited from the race course. The use of headphones is discouraged.
Keeping Central Florida Fit is our mission. Walkers are encouraged to participate in all Track Shack races. The City of Orlando encourages runners and walkers in this 5k to complete 3.1 miles within one hour. Participants who do not maintain that pace will be directed to the sidewalk by race officials.
• Stroller/jogger operators start behind designated stroller signage.
• Stroller/jogger operators may walk/jog no faster than 12 minute per mile, a safe operating speed. If your speed goes faster than 12 minutes per mile pace, you may be disqualified.
• Stroller/jogger operators must yield the right of way to runners. Stroller/Joggers can tip easily and cannot turn quickly. Please do not weave through packs of runners.
Track Shack Events (TSE) may cancel, shorten, or alter any event or course due to weather or for any other reasons within or not within the control of TSE. All entry fees are non-refundable, and may not be deferred toward a future event.
The race will be held rain, sleet, heat, or shine.
A color-coded Event Alert System (EAS) will communicate the status of course conditions to participants leading up to and on race day. The levels range from Low (green) to Moderate (yellow) to High (red) to Extreme (black) based primarily on the weather, as well as other conditions.
All participants should familiarize themselves with the Event Alert System prior to the race, remain alert for directions from race officials and announcers and take precautions to prepare properly for varying weather conditions on race day.
Event Alert System table:
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