Training for an Endurance Race: What to Expect of a Track Shack Training Program

Runners and walkers worldwide are looking forward to training for fall /early winter half and full marathons. Excitement is in the air! We are moving forward with endurance training season and looking forward to events like ChicagoMarine Corps, New York, Wine and Dine, Space Coast, OUC Half Marathon and Jacksonville

Now that you’ve committed to a race, it’s time to commit to your training. Some would say it’s the best part of endurance running and here’s why. 

The first day of Track Shack MarathonFest or Galloway training season strongly resembles the first day of school – you arrive, figure out where to go, and hope to see a familiar face or a sign that tells you that you're in the right place.  At that first meet up there's excitement in the air, plenty of runner chatter which includes welcoming the new runners and seeing old running friends from a previous season.

Much like the first day of school, here you're greeted by fellow runners that wrap you into the fold of the training experience.  Your Group Leader is a little bit like the fun teacher that helps you get acquainted and adjusted to what this endurance race training experience is about to be! 

The adventure begins and here's what you can look forward to.

Support and Guidance

Runners follow a program that targets the race they've registered for. Each program includes an opportunity to train 3-days per week with fellow runners so there is always someone to run with. 

A coach is always on-site to explain the workout and available for Q & A. Detailed routes and mileage are planned; hydration is provided along the route and at the finish of each session.

The weekly schedule of mileage, resources, and reminders of workouts are emailed in advance so you can plan your week around the workouts!  Yes, that’s a thing.  There's a private Facebook group for moral support and info sharing.

Making Lifelong Friends  

Accountability, camaraderie, long run conversations, improved physical fitness, and improved mental outlook are some of the benefits of group training. 

Learning Running Culture

If words like interval training, fartlek, PR, and PB are new to you, you can count on your running buddies to guide you through running vocabulary and etiquette!   

Now, remember the last day of school.  The end of training season feels similar, it’s sad when it's over.  You’ll miss the early morning runs, track workouts, friendships formed, finisher medals, and high fives. In the process, you learn so much about yourself and what you can accomplish when you when you set that goal!

Who’s ready to get started?!

Learn more about the Galloway Training >>

Learn more about the MarathonFest Training >>

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