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Staff Product Review – FITLY Running Pack

By Shane Huckeba, Shoe Expert at Track Shack and Former Collegiate Athlete

Whew, I don’t know about you, my lovely reader, but I’ve noticed something pretty profound since I moved from Atlanta to Orlando 3 years ago—it’s REALLY hot here. Now the majority of you are probably saying, “Duh, Shane…” but what I have noticed even more, is that people here don’t take the necessary precautions before running, walking, etc. out in this oppressive weather. Now, if you're at all like me, you hate carrying anything on you while you are working out. Unfortunately, this can often mean you are not giving your body the fuel it needs to work at full capacity even if your sessions are under an hour. Luckily, I think I may have found a perfect solution for you that doesn’t involve waking up at 5AM to work out. 

Ladies and Gentleman, I want to introduce to you the FITLY. One of the most sleek and innovative packs I have seen in a while. This isn’t your ultra-marathon pack meant for a 5 hour run through the mountains, but up to an hour and it’s right in its niche zone. It has an all-weather pouch for a cell phone that, as long as the zippers are totally closed, is highly water resistant. What really sets FITLY apart from the competition is what the creator dubbed the Thoracic Belt System. Well cool… so what does that even mean? What they have done differently here is rather than the pack’s lower belt being around your waist it holds you in just below the chest. This aligns the front pockets with your arm swings for a not necessary but much appreciated streamlined approach to accessing those front pockets. 

This pack has a lot of tech packed into it so let’s not waste time and get down to it. 

We will start off with the material, it is made of CORDURA®  fabric which is a highly respected company that makes gear for the military and high-end outdoor equipment. It is extremely durable.

The front fastener in not the classic clip style you are inclined to see but a magnetic system they call Fidlock™ . It has three different slots to fasten so you can quickly and easily adjust the tightness without fiddling with the straps. And since magnets are governed by the laws of physics, unless reality breaks down, these puppies won’t. 

A really cool feature that I didn’t even know was possible, but science is crazy so just roll with it, the pack is made from recycled ground coffee that is restructured at a molecular level meaning the product is extremely green. The S.Café® fabric also is pretty odor-resistant as a byproduct, which some of you out there probably need, and I am definitely not looking at myself. 

Without getting too much more in-depth, the FITLY is comprised of four pockets on the back and two in the front Thoracic band. The back pouches are extremely water resistant. The front pouches are pretty elastic and can hold things ranging from GU’s to small water flasks. If you are in a tight spot every FITLY comes with a small whistle located in the Thoracic belt along with reflective strips to give visibility on the back. FITLY rounds out its répertoire with headphone slots, additional tabs to hang lights or other accessories from and zipper tabs that won’t bounce around during use. 

So, that was a lot of information, but I know what you guys are really after. Does all of that fancy tech equal a product worth wearing? I wore the FITLY during a pretty tough workout of mine just for you guys and gals. I have to say, as someone who has great distain for carrying anything while running; I was VERY pleased with this product. I put my phone, keys, two gel packs and my wallet in and I have to say I barely noticed it. It was very hot so having those gel packs readily available was a big plus. The only thing that bothered me, and it only started around the 40-45 minute mark, was the magnetic fastener material. It’s pretty stiff there so it was causing a little bit of rubbing on my chest. I put some Body Glide on the location and my woes dissipated. 

All in all, to help keep you safe in the summer time and beyond, I really do think this pack is a game changer. You live close to the gym and want to run there without a bulky pack? Perfect. Going out for a walk in a city and want a secure pack to hold your valuables safely? Perfect. Come by Track Shack and try it out, the quality of the product speaks for itself.


Track Shack is a specialty running/walking store that has been serving the footwear needs of Central Florida’s fitness enthusiasts since 1977.  Our experienced and knowledgeable staff takes each person through a custom fitting process.  Shoes and feet are our business but people are our specialty!  Now that you’re here, walk through our user-friendly website and welcome to the Track Shack family!

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