Betsy's Corner: 13 CAN BE LUCKY!

A little history concerning this number; Track Shack ‘s original address was 1313 N. Mills Avenue. Hence our phone number for more than 35 years is 407-898-1313. Jon always choses 13 when a number must be used, and our 13th wedding anniversary (oh, so long ago) was especially fun.

This is a big year both personally and for our business. In a few short months our daughter Emma is getting married to a young man named Will, who loves her very much J. Before that big event, another marquis event takes place on January 13, 2013! It is the 20th running of the Walt Disney World Marathon, an event we’ve been part of since the very beginning. I am so proud to say that we and our Track Shack staff, have helped grow the Disney event from an 8000 person event in 1994 to a weekend of over 60,000 runners and walkers. Whew! I need to catch my breath just thinking of that! A vivid memory of the registration venue we used the first two years of the marathon involves a smoke filled bar at Pleasure Island. Oh, my, have we come a long way. Back then, the Run Disney term nor the Wide World of Sports was in our vocabulary.

Every day there is more evidence that running is becoming a household term. Running is now mainstream; we see commercials with runners, and constant references to running in newspapers and magazines. And when I miss them, my mom doesn’t. She is the clipper bee in our family. Mom always has a pile of articles for me, whether the subject is barefoot running or the New York City Marathon, she keeps me up to speed. Mom, who many MarathonFesters see walking through Winter Park on Saturday morning, likes to keep track of how many runners she sees! This season Coach Susan Paul trained more than 800 runners for various half and full marathons around the country. Jon was one of them and qualified for Boston when running Chicago Marathon in October!

I think goals are so important and it is one of the first things we ask a new customer. I also know the key to success is to have realistic goals. “Newbies” have so many opportunities with our Track Shack training programs like W.R.A.P. (Walk Run Accomplishment Program) or even a couch to 5k app on their phone. The proper shoes are a must and we try to understand the goals of our customers as we fit them. I often think how fortunate we are to do what we do. Being in the fitness industry is in itself a daily reminder to stay fit. Each day I see our own staff at Track Shack and Track Shack Events encourage one another. I see them out exercising together during afternoon breaks and hear their excitement about upcoming events, plus see the results and smiling faces on our Facebook page. Our encouragers are who we surround our lives with; our staff, our customers, really, it is you. Watching your excitement about an event you’ve done, a goal you have reached makes us feel like we’ve been part of it as well.

2013 should be the year you are the instigator or encourager to someone you know who needs to start exercising. So many folks start a fitness program as New Year’s resolutions. Let’s be the one who keeps them on track. Remind them that just getting outside three or four day a week and walking can change their lives. Last August one of my sisters made this commitment and she has a new lease on life! Her energy level is up and instead of talking the talk she is walking the walk! Her whole lifestyle has changed for the better. I think most importantly, she re-evaluated her goals this time around and she could stick with her program without being overwhelmed. Goals are what our training programs are all about. Our training programs have many group leaders who unselfishly take time to motivate the newcomers in their groups. Our coaches, staff and these volunteers help Jon and I keep Central Florida running and fit all year long.

What is your next goal? What’s on the horizon as we look toward 2013? Let’s all continue to encourage each other and take time to motivate that “newbie” in your life.

See you on the roads!

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