No route to host Track Shack - Virtual School Supply Drive

Virtual School Supply Drive

By Betsy Hughes, co-owner of Track Shack

Although I’m not a Central Florida native, I’ve been here since the late 60’s and attended local schools.  When Jon and I had children year’s later we were committed to public schools.  Living near downtown Orlando meant Emma and Chris would be attending a Title 1 school, Fern Creek Elementary.  During that time A Gift for Teaching, a non-profit, was created and to this day, it remains one of my favorite charities.  Teachers are the leaders for our next generation who sometimes needed extra assistance in order to succeed. 

The Back-to-School Drive is more important than ever this year because of COVID-19.  Please help our teachers by donating the essential tools their students will need to learn from home or in the classroom.  This charity is near and dear to my heart and I encourage you to make this year’s virtual Back-to-School Drive a big success!  Please join Jon, me and our entire Track Shack family help our teachers teach!

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